General Rules

  • Stay in character at all times

    Roleplay first, report later. In the event that there is an issue, roleplay the scenario and report it afterwards. Do not inform the player that they are breaking rules on the server.

  • Metagaming

    Using/relaying information gathered out of character that your character doesn’t know in-game.

    Transferring knowledge between characters e.g. you have a police and a criminal character and you use information gained on your criminal character to your advantage as police or vice versa.

    If you are watching someones stream you CAN NOT bring that information into city, If you do this will be classed as meta gaming.

  • OOC Communication

    Using anything other than in-game VoIP to communicate with each other e.g. you cannot be in a discord call with another person that is also in the city. (this rule is not limited to discord calls, basically, any form of ooc communication between players whilst in the server is prohibited)

  • Powergaming

    Forceful roleplay that does not give another player a chance to roleplay their own response is considered powergaming.

    Using things or doing actions that don’t actually exist in-game to gain an advantage e.g. /me holds knife against your throat when you don’t have a knife in your hands or inventory.

    Abusing players in animations e.g. waiting for a player to get stuck in an animation before making a move.

    If someone is wearing a mask you cannot identify them by voice.

  • Failing To Value Life (FTVL)

    You must realistically fear for your life when threatened with weapons. Melee weapons need to be within striking distance.

    You must also realistically value your life in other scenarios, meaning that you should not go out of your way to harm your character or kill your character e.g committing suicide to escape from the police.

  • Deathmatching

    Attacking another player without any roleplay or minimal roleplay leading up to it.

    Using a vehicle as a weapon to harm another player.

    Ramming a vehicle at high speeds constantly or head on will be classed as VDM.

    (the only exception to this rule is if your vehicle is surrounded or trapped and you have no option but to hit someone to get away)

  • New Life Rule (NLR)

    If you are downed and respawn at the hospital you must forget the immediate information that lead up to you being downed.

  • Cheating/Exploiting

    Use of cheats/mod menus is not allowed. If you know someone is cheating and fail to report it you are breaking server rules and will be dealt with accordingly.

    Taking advantage of a bug or purposely cheating the system to gain an advantage. This is taken very seriously and could lead to a permanent ban. If you know someone is cheating and fail to report it you are also in breach of server rules and will be dealt with.

  • Derogatory Language/Racial Slurs

    Using any language that is abusive in any way to culture, religion, sexuality or skin colour.

  • No Intent to Roleplay

    Failing to take roleplay seriously or any form of obvious trolling, no intent to roleplay is taken very seriously and will be dealt with accordingly.

  • Transferring Valuables/Items Between Characters

    You cannot transfer any type of item, whether that be money, weapons, vehicles or anything between your own characters.

  • Erotic Roleplay (ERP)

    ERP is weird, if your roleplay is getting to the stage where things become ERP then please take it to DMs. We have access to all logs and don’t want to have to read your filth. We can tell when people are just having a laugh but please avoid this as much as possible.

  • Combat Logging

    Combat logging is logging out or disconnecting during an RP scene to avoid dying and potential repercussions from dying, like losing items.

  • 3rd Party Softwares

    You are not allowed to use any sort of Macro or autoclicker while in the city.

  • Real World Trading

    You are not allowed to exchange in game items, or services for money or anything else outside of NIRP. This includes, but is not limited to, selling your in-game car for real world money, or purchasing guns or in-game currency for real world money. Both the seller and the buyer will be subject to severe consequences.

  • Types of RP

    There is a zero tolerance policy for Suicide RP, Terrorism RP & Vigilante RP.

  • Business's

    You are allowed to commit crimes at business’s but you CANNOT camp them or use them for taking hostages.

  • Restarts

    You cannot do any major crimes 30 minutes before a server restart.


  • Criminal Scenarios

    Criminal scenarios are limited to a maximum of 6 people. Relaying information to or between characters (lookouts, radio communications) counts you as part of that scenario.

    When participating in criminal activities you are only allowed a MAXIMUM of 6 people at the scene. If the scene is still going on, you have to stick to the 6 that are involved in the scene (this means you cannot switch people in and out mid-scene). It is your responsibility as an individual and as a group to be aware how many people are involved in a scene, if in doubt then don't get involved in the scene.

    If a criminal group is looking to breach/intercept another criminal's activity (heist, bank, etc) they must do so before the pursuit begins and cannot get involved in the pursuit after that.

  • Hostages

    Hostages must be legitimate hostages, you cannot use a friend or a fake hostage, (2 hostages MAX)

  • Cop Baiting

    Purposely getting yourself in trouble just to get chased or to get a reaction from the police.

    You cannot steal a Police or NIAS vehicle for no reason, you need a valid roleplay reason.

  • Police Weapons

    Stealing/robbing police officers weapons is prohibited.

  • Random Robbing & Inventory Wiping

    Robbing someone without a valid roleplay reason or minimal rp.

    Never wipe another players inventory, take what it is you were looking for and leave.

  • Prison Breakouts/Items in Prison

    Breaking out of prison/breaking people out of prison is not allowed.

    You should NOT be going and standing inside the prison gates speaking to your friends or trying to break into the prison.

    Smuggling items/weapons into prison or passing items/weapons to prisoners is not allowed.

  • Criminal Activities Close to Restart

    Criminal activities cannot be started in the last 30 minutes leading up to a server restart

    (The server restart notification can be classed as the cut-off point) as some major criminal scenes can extend past 30 minutes, meaning a restart would interfere.

    Criminal activities include but are not limited to: shop robberies, bank robberies, Gruppe 6 trucks and other pre-meditated, organised crimes.

  • Blooding Out

    If you are apart of a gang & you are blooded out by said gang, you CANNOT remember anything about that gang, your memory of said gang will be wiped.

  • 20 per gang

    You are only allowed 20 members per gang, this includes leaders & runners.

  • Gang Mangement

    Gang Cooldowns - If you leave a gang or your gang folds you then need too wait 1 week before joining another whitelisted gang.

    This means you cannot do any criminal activities with a gang until you cooldown is over.

    Dual Clanning - While your in a whitelisted gang you cannot actively do criminal activities with another whitelisted gang.

    Gang Numbers - The MAXIMUM amount of people in a gang is limited too 20, It is important ALL whitelisted gang members are in the GM discord so they are easily identified.

    If they are not in this discord & act as a member of your gang they will receive a warning for breaking this rule.

  • Breaching

    Piggybacking a heist - You cannot breach a heist with the intentions of robbing someone or the needed equipment from the people you are breaching, when breaching you must have all items to complete the heist.

    If a criminal group is looking to breach/intercept another criminal's activity (heist, bank, etc) they must do so before the pursuit begins and cannot get involved in the pursuit after that.

    You CANNOT wait outside a heist for the other party to leave, If your breaching then you must breach.

    Gunfights from breach’s should not be brought anywhere else apart from the zone of the heist, you should not be chasing people down and gunning them down half way cross the map

    Places you CANNOT breach Union Depository & Shop Robberys.

Emergency Services

  • Corruption

    Any type of police corruption is prohibited.


  • A green zone is an area in which it is against the server rules to commit crimes

    It is against server rules to retreat to a green zone whilst engaged in a criminal scenario.

    Currently, recognised green zones are;

    Mount Zonah Ballysantos Hospital & Paleto Bay Hospital

Temporary Rules

  • Rioting

    A riot is one of the most disruptive events that can take place in the server, it takes up a lot of time and resources. Due to the disruptiveness of rioting, all riots must be given the go-ahead by staff. Open a ticket to discuss further.

  • Spite Reporting

    Spite reporting is NOT allowed, If you have encountered a rule break you must report within 24 hours.

    If you bring It up a week as a spite report It will be instantly closed.